Denny Richard, RPT



Denny Richard, RPT

Piano Technician History


Graduate of Western Iowa Tech - Piano Technology (1975).

Apprentice Member, Piano Technicians Guild (1977).

Registered Piano Technician (RPT) - 1978 to present day.

Professional Experience:  45 Years.


Trained as an aural tuner, I tune "by ear," utilizing a precisely calibrated Deagan tuning fork, used to establish the piano's concert reference pitch.

Upon graduating from Western Iowa Tech in 1975, Music City of Spokane, Washington offered me a full time position as their floor and field piano technician.

In 1977, I established "The A-440 Piano," Tuning and Repair Service.

Spokane served as my local hub for an extended service area, reaching north to the Canadian border, west to Coolie Dam, east to Wallace, ID, south along Hwy 95 (as far as Tensed, ID), and southeast to St. Maries and up the St. Joe River to Avery, ID.

In 1992, I relocated to Eugene, Oregon to resume the study of music in composition, piano, & piano accompaniment, attending LCC (Lane Community College) and UO's School of Music while rebuilding The A-440 Piano.

After nearly forty years, I returned to California (where I was born) in 2013 to buy a log home situated at 7000 feet on pine and granite acreage near Bear Valley (Alpine County) to serve Columbia College's music department, inspirationally directed by professor Rod Harris, while establishing a clientelle, covering all of Alpine, Calaveras, and Tuolumnme counties, "weather permitting," of course.

Bear Valley's harsh winters would eventually move me to the gentler climate of western Washington, where rain or shine, I remain committed to piano care for the foreseeable future or until I hear the light.

Denny Richard, RPT 

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